Party Time Reenactor: Hobo Party

hobo part


During World War II, the Betty Crocker company distributed a series of pamphlets to help war-time housewives, suggesting recipes for meatless meals and sugarless cakes.  My favorite pamphlet is “Hospitality in War Time,”  which offers helpful tips on how to entertain during food shortages and rationing.

One of the parties Betty suggests is a “hobo party”.  I’ve always been tempted to recreate it…but find it borderline offensive?  You can read her instructions for the party above, and do with it what you will.

6 thoughts on “Party Time Reenactor: Hobo Party

    • OH MY GOD! Yes, that totally is the modern say equivalent of this “hobo party.” Ugh.

      One of the things that caught my eye in that article is that their homeless-wedding cost $15,000, which is described as a show string budget. That seems the ultimate irony.

  1. Totally sounds like a night at the Black Hills Playhouse. Heavy on the “beverage” course, naturally.

  2. Pingback: Reading: “Party Time Reenactor: Hobo Party” | The Tart Little Piggy

  3. Actually, I do find it offensive. My father lived the “hobo” life as a young man, immediately before and during the Great Depression.

    He might not agree with me, of course, but he died in 1976, so I can’t ask him.

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